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Standard 8

Candidates successfully complete an internship under the supervision of knowledgeable, expert practitioners that engages candidates in multiple and diverse school settings and provides candidates with coherent, authentic, and sustained opportunities to synthesize and apply the knowledge and skills identified in NELP standards 1–7 in ways that approximate the full range of responsibilities required of building-level leaders and enable them to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult in their school.

Clinical Learning I & II Learning Plan

These two clinical learning plans highlight the vast array of leadership experiences that are aligned with NELP Standards 1-8 and demonstrate my growth as an instructional leader.

Clinical II Presentation

This presentation exhibits the collaborative work between myself and district leaders in improving our system's clarity around its 4 core initiatives: Teacher Advancement Program (TAP), Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), Standards Referenced Grading (SRG), and Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS).

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