Standard 6
Operations and Management
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to improve management, communication, technology, school-level governance, and operation systems to develop and improve data-informed and equitable school resource plans and to apply laws, policies, and regulations.
EDL 276 - Case Law Study
I researched and summarized the case of Dodge v. Evergreen School No. 114, a landmark case dealing with staff members' first amendment rights in the workplace.
EDL 274 - Pecha Kucha Presentation
I completed a PDSA to support my school's efforts around restorative practices and their implementation. The ultimate goal was to improve staff to student relationships as shown in our ESSA report card, in addition to shoring up the regular practice of restorative practices by all staff.